How far along are you? 5 weeks
How big is baby? About the size of an appleseed
Maternity clothes? Nope
Weight -Loss or Gain? Neither
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep? I am tired most of the time, but I wake up regularly through the night to go to the bathroom and I've been unable to sleep in lately.
Best moment this week: Finding out my hCG levels nearly tripled in 48 hours :)
Any Movement? Too early for that
Food Cravings? I love ice cream now that I can eat it, and I've been dying for a chicken caesar salad
Food Aversions? None, although the smell of Mike's multivitamin makes me gag
Belly Button in or out? In
What do you miss: Nothing
What are you looking forward to: Getting away next weekend
What was the BEST part of this week? Finding out my blood work results
What was the WORST part of this week? Waiting on my blood work results
5 weeks... even more bloat! |
Lately it seems like my symptoms are getting more and more pronounced. I feel nauseous in the mornings before I eat and certain smells are starting to make me feel like I'm going to be sick. Even so, I am still hungry every 2-3 hours or so, although some meals/snacks make me feel very queasy. I am still really exhausted by the end of the day and usually around 2:30-3:00 p.m. I get hit with a wave of fatigue. Nonetheless, I am starting to have nights where I have trouble falling and staying asleep. Getting up to use the bathroom multiple times doesn't help either. On top of that the bloating is getting a little out of hand. Even though Mike says he can't tell, I feel huge and none of my clothes fit me correctly anymore. I am so thankful that flowy tops are in and that I can use them to hide my gut! As if that's not all enough, I have been dealing with some crazy mood swings! Thank God for Mike's patience because I have been off the wall lately. One minute I'm fine, the next I'm angry, and moments later I'm crying... it's ridiculous!
All in all, I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. Mike and I are just so happy and thankful right now, and every new symptom is a continual reminder that our baby is growing healthy and strong.
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