I had been having some strange pains around my right ovary last week and although I was sure it was due to a cyst, I called the OB's office to be sure. After talking to the nurse, she advised me it would be best to go to the ER and get checked out. Not what I wanted to hear. Nonetheless, I left work, called Mike, and headed to the hospital.
Once there, they got me straight into a room. I had to pee in a cup and they took blood to check my hCG levels. Then they inserted a catheter (OUCH!) to fill my bladder immediately and sent me straight to get an external and internal ultrasound. Thank goodness the ultrasound tech took pity on me and removed the catheter before the internal ultrasound. I told her she was an angel!
The results? My right ovary was enlarged, possibly from a previous cyst, and the probable cause of my pain. Also, my hCG level was at 431, confirming not only the pregnancy, but the fact that it was too early to see anything on the ultrasound. As most doctors will tell you, your hCG level doesn't mean anything on it's own (though that didn't stop me from Googling it), they only look to see if it is doubling every 48-72 hours. So, I had to go back Friday afternoon for a repeat blood test. Since the test wasn't until 1:15, I knew I wouldn't get the results until this morning. Finally, after an agonizing weekend of waiting, I called first thing this morning for my second hCG result. My number came in at 1250! That means that my hCG almost TRIPLED in 48 hours!
Even though the hCG increase doesn't guarantee anything, it is a great sign that our precious little Bean is growing well right now. We are so thankful for this good news and pray that the rest of my pregnancy is a lot less eventful. I am so blessed with every day of this pregnancy, every new symptom (yes, even the ever-increasing nausea), and for my amazing husband who makes my life so easy and takes such great care of us. I am one happy Mama!
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