Wednesday, July 20, 2011


One little word with so much meaning.  After 8 months of trying to get pregnant, we finally are.  What a surreal/exciting/nervewracking/wonderful feeling!

Some women say that they "know" they're pregnant, others say they had no idea.  I was in the former group.  In order to get pregnant the most efficient way, I had been charting my cycles to figure out when I ovulate.  My chart for this cycle was different than my previous ones, so I did have a hint there.  However, the fact that I was eating starving every 2 hours, falling asleep before 9:00 pm, and finding new fun oddities like a cold sore definitely led to my intuition.

Considering I thought I was pregnant, I decided to test on Thursday, July 14th.  After testing more times than I want to remember the past 8 months, I knew what a negative test looked like, and that one had a definite line.  The line was faint, yes, but it was early and it was there (on two different tests!).  I took a digital test to see that beautiful word I had been waiting to see, but alas, it was too early for the digital.

I didn't want to worry Mike with the light line, so I decided to wait to tell him.  I was still nervous myself, so I decided to try and test again when I got home from work.  Just in case, though, I picked up the most adorable "Daddy Loves Me" bib at Car.ter's on my lunch break.  When I got home and tested again, I definitely saw another line and I decided I'd tell Mike that night.  I wrapped the bib and painstakingly waited for him to get home from work.  When he opened it, I think it took a moment to register.  I wish I could bottle his expression and keep it forever.  Pure joy.  Some people say that when they find out they're pregnant there is a moment of sheer terror - we didn't have that.  I can honestly say we have NEVER been happier.  Mike and I love this baby so much already, I can't wait to experience this new journey with him.  I know he is going to be the best Daddy in the world, and our child is going to be so blessed!

Mike's bib

 In the time between then and now we have been walking on clouds.  On Friday I tested again and was able to confirm my positive tests on 2 digitals!  I am officially 4 weeks 1 day pregnant today, only approximately 35 weeks 6 days to go!  Our little Bean is due March 27th, 2012... right in time for Phillies season!  We can't wait to meet our little Phanatic :)

4w1d - Mama's bloated belly

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