How far along are you? 13 weeks
How big is baby? Baby's about the size of a peach this week!
Maternity clothes? Nope, still using the hair tie mostly.
Weight -Loss or Gain? Still around 2-3 lbs depending on the day
Stretch marks? No
Sleep? I'll take as much as I can get!
Best moment this week: Hearing the doctor tell me I have a nice healthy baby on Thursday :)
Any Movement? Still too early, but it won't be long now
Food Cravings? Lots of Mexican food, fruit, and protein
Food Aversions? Pretty much the same
Belly Button in or out? In
What do you miss: Not questioning, or being questioned about, everything I do. I want to do everything perfectly for the baby, but it's hard to balance perfection and real life. I just wish people would keep their criticism to themselves.
What are you looking forward to: Having a real bump, feeling the baby move,
second trimester (woohoo!!)
What was the BEST part of this week? Just getting to spend some time with Mike. He's such a great husband and he's going to be a great dad!
What was the WORST part of this week? My mother-in-law going into the hospital.
13w1d - I think I feel much larger than I look! |
SO, I'm not "officially" in second trimester until Friday, but let's just throw caution to the wind for a second and say I MADE IT! I am so excited! I don't know why second tri is so important to me though. I mean, I've heard the Bean's heartbeat more times than I can count, I've seen him/her on two different ultrasounds measuring perfectly, and I just had my OB tell me that as of right now, everything is great. All I know is that I'll take any milestone (no matter how small) when it comes to our baby, because I don't think I'll breathe a sigh of relief until s/he is in my arms... and even then I'll probably check constantly to see if s/he's breathing!
As far as symptoms go, I am relieved to say that I haven't gotten sick in over 3 weeks now! Although I've heard sickness can return in the third trimester, I'm thankful to see it gone for now. I do still have days where I'm nauseous or where I think I'll get sick, but luckily nothing more than that. I still really miss my energy as well. I always know when 3:00 rolls around because I get hit with a terrible wave of exhaustion and I can barely keep my eyes open. It's hard going from being the type of person who's always on the go, to being the type of person who can barely function, but I'm learning to adapt. I've cut back on volunteering to do stuff/help people/attend things and I'm trying to keep my scheduled functions to a minimum. Now instead of a day's worth of plans, I'll only agree to one activity so that I have time to rest. I have also been taking advantage of time I have available to nap. Even though I usually see it as time wasted, (I have things to do, people!) it's much easier to take an hour nap in the afternoon/early evening, than it is to be so exhausted I not only can't function, but have to go to bed insanely early. On top of all of that, I've noticed my hunger has really increased. I used to be able to get away with maybe eating 1 or 2 larger meals and then snacking on fruits and veggies and other stuff throughout the day, but I've been noticing that some days my "snacks" aren't meeting my appetite demands. So now instead of apples for throughout the day, I'll do apples and peanut butter and add additional extra protein to help keep me full. I'll figure it out.
Mike and I also "came out" on Facebook this week since our 12 week appointment went well and all of our close friends and family know. I'll admit that it's still pretty scary to me that everyone knows now. Some days I just want to take it all back and keep the Bean our little secret for awhile longer. Don't ask me why, I think I'm just paranoid. Mike also told all of his coworkers, making me feel like the bad parent! ;) He's so excited for his son/daughter to come and it just makes me so happy (and emotional). Plus, I know he really loves a lot of the people he works with, so it was only natural to tell them the good news. I finally got up the nerve to start telling people I work with today...okay, I told 3 people, but it's weird to talk about yourself! I kind of hope the news just gets out at work and everyone kind of finds out. I really don't want to make a big announcement.
In other news, we finally decided on a wall color! We decided to ask some family members and they were no help at all (thanks a lot, guys!) Some thought one color was too girly, others thought it was too boyish, some thought one was too dark, the other too light - what a pain! My mother-in-law told us that she didn't like either color and that we should pick more classic colors. Yeah, it was a GREAT idea asking for opinions! ;) In the end we finally chose, and we're both happy since we liked both anyway. We also bought the ceiling fan for the nursery, bought the paint for the trim, started to plan the nursery setup, and began looking at furniture we like. This weekend, we'll probably finish cleaning out the stuff from the nursery and hopefully I can start painting the trim! Very exciting! I keep getting asked about our registry, and even though I think it's early, we'll likely start registering after our 16 week appointment next month. My mom NEEDS the registry done before Black Friday, so that will give us about a month to tweak it and ask for opinions.