Wednesday, September 7, 2011

11 Weeks!

How far along are you?  11 weeks
How big is baby?  This week, the Bean is about the size of a lime!  I feel like that's SO big.
Maternity clothes?  I'm in that awkward stage where some of my jeans are a bit tight in the hips, but maternity jeans are huge.  I need to go through my closet to see what fits :(
Weight -Loss or Gain?  +2 lbs
Stretch marks?  No
Sleep?  I'm still exhausted and trying to get all the sleep I can get.
Best moment this week:  Telling our extended families :)
Any Movement?  Too early 
Food Cravings?  Lots of protein, potatoes, strawberries, baby carrots
Food Aversions?  Tacos, coffee, sweets
Belly Button in or out?  In
What do you miss:  My energy
What are you looking forward to:  Second trimester - it's right around the corner now!
What was the BEST part of this week?  Spending a long weekend with Mike
What was the WORST part of this week?  Starting back to school last Wednesday :(

11w1d - The bump is growing!

We finally told our extended families this weekend and now just about everyone knows!  It's so exciting to not have to keep a secret anymore and it makes me feel like I'm really pregnant now.  Thankfully everyone was really excited for us and we only had to deal with a small amount of unsolicited advice.  We were also able to get the paint samples on the nursery wall this weekend, but of course we still can't decide what color we like best!  Mike and I were joking last night that we'll end up having to pick out of a hat, but that actually might end up being the solution, considering neither of us can make a decision.  At least we still have some time.

School started on Wednesday, but luckily I only have 1 class on campus and didn't have to go until Thursday night.  With how exhausted I've been, it was hard to keep my eyes open for the 3 hour lecture.  Thankfully we got out a half-hour early, but I'm really not looking forward to the full 3 hours tonight (I will also likely be taking my weekly bump pics a day late from now on due to Tuesday night class).  I am thrilled that my sickness has eased up lately, and at least I don't have to deal with that along with class.

I am also wearing maternity jeans today, even though they are still big on me.  I tried on a pair of my regular jeans yesterday, but they were a bit tight in the hips and I wasn't sure if it was from eating too much this weekend, or if I am expanding already.  I guess I have to go through my closet to see what fits and what doesn't.  Hopefully it was just a fluke, but with all of the iliosacral joint and hip pain I've been having, I don't think it's out of the question that my hips may have expanded.  Either way, I've still only gained 2 lbs, so if I'm growing, at least I know it's the baby and not too much junk food.  It will be nicer when I have a cute pregnancy belly, though. :)

Other than that, there's not much more to report.  Mike was able to hear the Bean's heartbeat on the doppler on Friday, but our little swimmer was definitely moving in and out of the area, so we could only hear for about a minute before searching over again.  Even though we don't use it very often, it was nice to be able to check in before we told all of our extended family.

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